Jasmin is Personal Trainer, Life Coach and Wellness Professional whose aim is to spread fact based information and practical tips which help everyone feel better and have permanent lifestyle changes. 

Years of experience from several countries including Egypt, Cape Verde, Finland, Spain and Turkey has given her a wide understanding of the global situation of well-being. In Egypt she worked as Project Manager and Editor-in-Chief in fitness magazine participating in multiple international fitness and wellness projects.
Jasmin has in total 7 years of experience in coaching, educating and recruiting fitness professionals as well as coaching individuals from beginners to special groups and athletes. She has been competing in individual and team crossfit competitions and earned the title of 4th Fittest in the Middle East. 

During these years in fitness industry she noticed the need for fact based thorough information. To the people wanting to better their lifestyle it should be in easily digestible way, and to professionals it should be available. This need sparked the idea of an account, where everyone could turn to. With her colleague and friend Ella Gabrielsson she created @jazandell to answer this need.